At the Bus Activity held during 6th Kerala Literature Festival, FM Radio Mango with its glorious performance, bagged the Golden Mikes Radio Advertisement Award. Radio Mango received the award with their excellent performance in ground promotion as a self-brand with a single station and as the best sponsor (BEST SPONORED ON GROUND PROMOTION BY A SINGLE RADIO STATION FOR/BRAND). Radio mango is one among the local independent F M Radio that has been successively awarded with the Golden Mikes Radio Advertisement Award. Radio mango’s remarkable works are often appreciated with National Awards and other famous awards. Kerala Literature festival is one of Asia`s largest literature festivals. This year KLF at Kozhikode beach marked its 6th edition, the promotion was majorly done by Radio Mango through its Bus Activity Campaign. The award was presented for the quality campaign organized by Radio Mango at Kozhikode beach. It was with the sweetness of writings, writers, books and music showered by Radio Mango during KLF Bus Kozhikode made its success in stealing the heart of Kozhikode. Throughout the four days of the Festival, Radio Mango - KLF Bus radiated an aura of fun and music for the guests and audience. Radio Mango KLF Bus allowed people to gather around over music, comedies, new thoughts and cultures. Radio Mango has been significant part of KLF.