"The election result of 2024 will decide whether I`ll go back to jail or not," said Sidheeq Kappan. Sidheeq Kappan said that it will be decided, according to the results of the election in 2024, whether he should go back to jail. He was addressing the audience at the Kerala Literature Festival. "The polite language of the policemen is obscene," he added. Kappan dedicated the KLF session to Masood Ahammed, who was arrested with him on October 5, 2020, and is still in jail, and to the journalists as well. The salacious language of the policeman, their islamophobic attitude towards Kappan, and the mental and physical torturers that he faced in the Madhurai district jail and Lucknow jail during judicial custody were exclusively explained. He was arrested for trying to visit the `Hathras girl.` The session, which was moderated by S. Sarath, also discussed Stan Swamy Sudha Baradwaj and the changes that occurred in the profession of journalism.