Acclaimed Graffiti artists tied in harmony gives a warm welcome for the second edition of Kerala Literature Festival which is about to begin in a few days. The walkway around the venue of #KLF 2017 was painted in spectacular colours by various artists. The event which was inaugurated by popular artists K Prabhakaran and Kabita Mukhopadhyay saw the creativity of other artists like Abhilash Thirovoth, Dileep Balan, Sangeeth Balachandran, Majni Thiruvangoor, Munir Agragrami, Asad Ulliyeri, Vedha, Lithesh Karunakaran, Abdul Rahim, and Farman Usman. The much-excited students from various colleges at Kozhikode also took part in the cause; they splashed the walls and bathed it in colours depicting the variety and uniqueness of KLF.