The third day of KLF witnessed the ‘Fireside chat ‘of Rajdeep Sardesai and Sashi kumar , which turned into one of the power packed sessions of KLF. The news anchor and the present host of India Today,Sardesai vehemently criticized the journalists for taking sides and spoiling the pellucidity and truthfulness of the media. “Journalists who are supposed to be watchdogs have changed to lapdogs” said Sardesai while marking his dissent on media being merely the PR machine of political parties and leaders.
Sardesai lambasted the indifference that the political parties show towards the media the fiercely criticised the PM’s stand of not addressing a press conference.
“Today our leaders are demonizing media. The public is being fooled and deliberately mislead,” he added.
Sardesai questions the planned agenda behind this process and the polarization they create on the basis of religion.
“Today the leaders are finding worst in us. They have divided us and we agreed to get divided” said Sardesai.
Sashikumar addressed the controversies and violence that karnisena created against the movie ‘Pad,avati’ as the country of errors’. When Sardesai’s opinion on PM’s’Mann ki baath’ was asked he peevishly mocked by spelling it ‘Monkey Baath’. He never showed any hesitance to criticize the one way communication method of the program and he added “The greatness of this country is ‘Samwad Dialogues’. Sardesai also expressed his views on the technological advancements happening with media. He supported the online media since is the future of journalism. At the same time he also expressed his condemn on social media being wrongly used to spread fake news which are often provocative.