An important session was held on the 3rd day of Kerala Literature Fest, with C S Meenakshi and Sunita Narain an Indian environmentalist and political artist. The topics of the conversation were India’s Green Movement. Many issues were raised regarding the environmental challenges faced by india, especialy Kerala. When Sunitha was asked about her reason for interest in environmental issues, she said that the famous issues of ‘Chipko Movement’ triggered her interest in the matter. C S Meenakshi also referred ‘Kerala Is A Land of Paradoxes’. Even though the literary rate is very high, woman participation in the matter is very low land and we do not fail to exploit the resources.
‘Every breath of air is toxic in Delhi’, Sunitha Nair enunciated. She explained how we don’t kow to build a sustainable development and proper waste disposal system. She also remarked that she haven’t seen much polluted city like calicut comparing to trivandrum and Alappuzha She suggested about the pressure of keeping the home town clean that the peaple of calicut is lacking. She also mentioned about the threats will be facing sooner later because of the degradation of environment like there will be rain for a whole year and we will get 30% of the rain in an hour and therefore we will not be able to control the storage of water we can’t except to change the plantations into natural forest. She suggested how even though Kerala has % ODF. They lack in proper sewage treatment. Alappey was rated the best city India to have the best sewage treatment method the same method is adopted and shared in many other states of India. She expressed her disappointment in not trying to bring it into effect in Kerala
The session ended with an interactive session where the audience participated and revised very interesting questions.