Final day of the Kerala Literature Festival, once again, witnessed a vibrant session where Priya Nair was in conversation with Preeti Shenoy. Preeti Shenoy introduced her latest book 'The Rule Breaker', although the session was mainly focused on her work called 'Love A Little Stronger' which was published in April 2018.
Preeti Shenoy expressed that she started off as a blogger, and not in her wildest dreams expected people to like it. She added that she is the first woman in her family to work. Talking about her family she mentioned about her father being such a great influence in her life.
They also discussed how the social media influences the modern world and how people get detached from each other. She commented that there's no escape from the social media. The discussion was further concentrated on treatment of women in India. She stated that she's a feminist who believes in equal rights of men and women.
Preeti Shenoy said that her new book will be released in April 2019.She also mentioned that she might try her luck in screenwriting as well. Preeti Shenoy advised people not to quit their day jobs and to keep reading.