"Unlike fiction and film, investigation is boring as far as police are concerned for it is not a magic wand as depicted in films," Loknath Behra IPS was quoted as saying during the session on the third day of KLF 2019 at Aksharam.
Loknath Behra discussed about crime fiction quoting his personal experience in criminal investigation in India. He pointed out the efficiency of Kerala Police crime investigation. Behra added that almost 95% cases are solved by the cops. Referring to Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie, Behra talked about 'power of observation' required for crime writing.
Tracing a brief history of crime writing in Malayalam literature, Dr. P. Rajasekhar emphasized the urgency for a more focused litterateurs in the genre. “Literature is the history of crime and crime exists within us," he added.
G.R. Indugopan, a new generation crime writer in Malayalam on modern crime fiction and the need for more professional and native writers for the same. The session concluded on a cheerful note.