The last day of the Kerala Literature Festival witnessed the session "She Tunes". Singers Reshmi Satheesh and Sayanora along with the moderator C. S. Meenakshi were in discussion with each other. The session began with the moderator Meenakshi briefly explaining the growth of female voice in film industry. "Where there are women, there is music," she said.
Sayanora and Reshmi described how they have been marginalised on the grounds of gender and colour and were emotional when they spoke about their experiences."In marketing, it is not the quality of singing matters but how they present the singer that always does," Reshmi added.
Later in the session they discussed about the influence of WCC. Sayanora talked about how WCC gave her the platform to take a stand and raise her voice. According to Sayanora most people in the film industry are afraid to take a stand and that's why they remain silent.’