The final day of Kerala Literature Festival 2019 started with the session, The Politics of Kerala's Thought Syllabus. The panel consisted of C.J. George, T.V. Madhu, Shamshad Hussain, Dr. Ajith M.S. and Dileep Raj. Dr. Ajith M.S. was of the opinion that the syllabus that Calicut University follows has been dominated by the right wing of Kerala. "Literature is being lynched. The selection criteria of the contents for academic studies is highly politicised" said Ajith M.S.
Shamshad Hussain pointed out that the syllabus for M.A. students have a patriarchal influence. The inclusion of writings by female authors, poets and critics are confined to writers like Lalithambika Antharjanam and Madhavikutty.
Towards the end of the session, C.J. George opined that today, it is a necessity to teach and criticise the syllabuses, for the betterment of students.