“The most powerful pillar of the Indian constitution is media,” quoted Pasha in the session on the 3rd day of KLF 2019, held at stage 'Thulika'. He pointed out the importance of democracy and judicial activism.
Kemal Pashe, K. Venu and Hameed Chennamangaloor constituted the panel for the discussion. “Judicial activism refers to the judicial rulings that are suspected of being based on personal opinion, rather than the existing law,” K. Venu added. While Executive, Legislature and Judiciary are the three pillars of Indian constitution, media serves to be the fourth. Media has many limitations and they struggle from the limitations and they work with these limitations. Hameed Chennamangaloor mentioned two types of public freedom that is civil and political right and economic and social rights. Pashe summarised the session with his talk on the constitution of India and expressed his views regarding the same.