The third day of KLF witnessed a session at Ezhuthola, where actress Padmapriya was in conversation with Swami Agnivesh. He started off with a supposedly provocative gesture by chanting 'Om', 'Bismillah' and 'Ekum Kar' to show how he saw all religion as one and said that all religions advocate the same principles.
"I started challenging responses of untruth and injustice all around anywhere and everywhere and that's how I became an activist," said Swami Agnivesh. He spoke about how the government does not actually uphold the true value of the constitution and its policies. His calm voice and loud words spoke to every individual in the crowd. He shared his views on animal slaughter by saying that one should eat what is healthy for their body and it need not necessarily be meat. It can be fruits and vegetables too.
He also talked about freedom of choice and how we should wisely use it. He also added that human body is the biggest temple and that temple should be worshipped. "I'm so proud to have seen women in Kerala form a human chain from Kasargod to Kanyakumari and proud that they all stood up for themselves." His words were not biased and not politically inclined.
Padmapriya reciprocated with equally good questions and also shared her thoughts about what was in discussion. He announced that he'll be organizing a march from Kasargod to Kanyakumari starting on January 26th 2019 to uphold the value of our constitution. He urged Padmapriya and everyone else in the audience to join him for the same. Swami Agnivesh presented a copy of his book to Padmapriya. It was a thought-provoking session.