"It is the celebration of womanhood, the celebration of women in every one of us," said director, producer, thespian, television presenter and upcoming political figure Prakash Raj in the most awaited session of Kerala Literature Festival 2019, held at Thulika on its third day. Padmapriya and Rima Kallingal, the two brilliant actors from Malayalam Film Industry and members of Women in Cinema Collective, (WCC) also shared the dais with him.
Padmapriya and Rima Kallingal had been scuttled by many power centres from their respective fields for revealing the stories of injustice and harassment. The session disclosed their commitment towards the goal of gender equality in spite of their voices being drowned at early stages. Rima Kallingal mentioned the inclusion of ICC (Internal Complaint Committee) for the every movie under their production and stated that we have to restlessly converse, debate and discuss for a better workspace.
"There is a need for both women and men to come together and be there for each other," said Padmapriya. Prakash Raj also donned the cap of a politician and defined his take on politics during the session.
The session became so interactive with Mridula Garg, iconic feminist-writer defining feminism."Every woman has the right to decide what feminism is and they can be differently different.” She added.