'Intellectual Rebels in Kerala', in the memory of late writer and cultural activist, M. Govindan, was held at Thulika on Day 3 of Kerala Literature Festival T.P. Rajeevan, the moderator of the session was accompanied by C. Anand, V.R. Sudheesh, Amritalal, and George. The writers recollected memories of Govindan, about how he had influenced the renaissance history of Kerala with his obsession towards the ideas of radical humanism expounded by M.N.Roy.
Starting off with opinions and conclusions about Govindan, C. Anand, shared his personal experiences connoting him as a presence rather than a person. "Govindan was never a teacher, but always a presence. He was the man who always broke the rules," Anand nadded.
Amritalal recalled how Govindan always wanted to break the barriers of the caste system. He was also quoted saying that, Govindan had gone unrecognised in Kerala. V.R. Sudheesh expressed taled about his friendship he shared with Govindan and mentioned he still has a collection of Govindan’s books. His words also reflected his love for Govindan's poetry and essays, that had influenced him in the making up of the person in him. He reminded the audience how Govindan was honest with his publication, Sameeksha.