The third day of the Kerala Literature Festival 2019 kicked-off with a soulful music performance led by Rajeev Bathia and Anuraj Pattayil. Rajeev Bathia is a Kozhikode-based guitarist. He is a popular singer and has collaborated with stalwarts like Haricharan and Sachin Warrier. Anuraj Pattayil also hails from Kozhikode and has been playing the guitar for almost 12 years.
Rajeev and Anuraj chose All-Time collections of Bob Marley for their live concert. Bob Marley and his songs of freedom, love, pangs and gust were played during the event. Buffalo Soldier, No Woman No Cry, Is This Love and many more of Bob Marley’s reggae, the sound of sea waves, and a sip of tea made the day for all!