Kerala Literature Festival has once again accentuated its prominence with the presence of M. Sivasankar IAS, K. Nandakumar and an unexpected guest Nithin Eapen George. "It is solely upon the common people on how to put advanced technologies to use," said M. Sivasankar IAS on the topic Connected Machines and Fourth Industrial Revolution at stage Vaakku. The conversation was further concentrated to the fourth industrial revolution and connected machines.
"Technology is no longer science fiction, it's really happening," Nithin Eapen George commented on. Although with the advancement of technologies it is evident that the employment opportunities are gradually decreasing. Technologies is mainly concentrated on the idea of time saving. Thereby it is natural that this would dismay the common people. "When computers were further introduced in Kerala, political parties were furious and destroyed them because it threatened the livelihood of the working class," Nithin George added.
"Technology is often misused. It is crucial to evolve a proper framework that would help in using technology for the betterment of human beings," felt K. Nandakumar. Privacy and security in the Internet was also discussed.
The discussion concluded with the panelists speaking on the reluctance of India to be an entrepreneur-friendly country.