The much-awaited session, "The Wounds of the Dead" with Shahina K. Rafeeq and Dr. Vikram Paralkar was held at Vaakku on 10/1/2019 at 7:00 p.m. Dr. Paralkar talked about his book, The Wounds of the Dead as well as about The Afflictions. The Wounds of the Dead is about a teacher, his pregnant wife and his eight-year-old son, who is badly wounded and who visits a surgeon's clinic at a night.
Shahina K. Rafeeq mentioned how the book covers a wide of genres, including magical realism, absurdity and medical drama. Dr. Paralkar opined that the arbitrary contruct of publishers about genres limits the writers. Upon asked by Shahina K. Rafeeq on his take on religion, Dr. Paralkar replied that he has been an atheist since thirteen. He added that Indian have a lot of insecurities about their roots and that they need to be more secure about their identies. He concluded by saying that writers are the ones who push the boundaries on what needs to be said.