A very relevant topic was put out for discussion on the first day of Kerala Literature Festival at Thulika Venue. The session was proceeded by a panel possessing strong feminist views. Deedi Damodaran, Viji Penkoott and K. Ajitha were among the panelists. The moderator of the session was Sangeetha Jaya. Moderator began with the question that what are the limitations in their field and how society accept the changes.
She began with K. Ajitha, a major figure in the women organisations like 'Bodhana' and 'Anweshi'. They analysed and criticised many women issues like dowry. The talk was proceeded by Viji Penkoott, the founder of women organisation 'Penkoott', formed for the fullfillment of the basic needs of women. She said that the change should start from the kitchen. Deedi Damodharan, a leading figure in WCC, stood for the rights of women in the field of cinema. She addressed the Sabarimala issue as the second flood in Kerala.