Kanhaiya Kumar who was born in an upper caste community in the village of Bihar rose to fame after a series of dramatic events took place in JNU. The much talked media sensation of India Kanhaiya Kumar arrives for the third edition of Kerala Literature Festival happening on the beach of Kozhikode from 8th February 2018.
Kanhaiya is a former President of the Jawaharlal Nehru University Students’ Union. He is also a leader of the All India Students Federation (AISF), the student wing of the Communist Party of India (CPI).
Kanhaiya’s arrest soon snowballed into a major political controversy and has drawn sharp reactions from opposition parties, teachers, students and academics. Students at Jawaharlal Nehru University went on strike over Kanhaiya Kumar’s arrest, effectively paralysing the University.
In February 2016, he was arrested and charged with sedition by the Delhi police for allegedly raising anti-India slogans in a student rally. The rally was called to protest the 2013 hanging of Mohammed Afzal Guru, a Kashmiri separatist convicted for the 2001 Indian Parliament attack. Kumar was released on interim bail on 2 March 2016 for lack of conclusive evidence. Kumar denied the charges, and upon his release, gave a speech in favour of freedom in India.
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Registration is absolutely free. For those who wish to be a delegate can register for the same at Rs500 which includes Rs200 Gift Voucher (redeemable at the venue), Delegate Kit, Badges, Festival Souvenir, Calendar etc. Register at: http://www.keralaliteraturefestival.com/registration/