A talk on “Historical Milestones on Human’s Journey” was held at the fifth edition of Kerala Literature Festival. Lijeesh Kumar, Santhosh Echikanam, Benyamin and V. Musafar Ahammed spoke at the session moderated by Lijeesh Kumar. The speakers shared their road experiences and extreme situations of refugees that they had witnessed.
Santhosh Echikanam spoke on the political discourse, saying that "there are no NRC issues in Bangladesh and the communal harmony among them is to be noticed." He pointed out that such acts aim at political and communal division and the divisions can occur in a developing country like India, as illiteracy still prevails in many parts of the country.
Benyamin was of the opinion that India is a blend of refugees and immigrants. The experiences of travel must be felt and not just be experienced through the media. V. Musafar Ahammed talked on the lives of gypsies, and criticising political situations through works of literature. Altered ideas of journey was discussed in the session.