The third day of Kerala Literature Festival was privileged to witness the conversation on Annihilation of Caste, featuring Anand Teltumbde and Nandini Nair. Anand Teltumbde, who is an Indian scholar and writer, has written extensively about the caste system in India and is an advocate of the rights of the Dalits. When asked to convey a personal view about the constitution, he said that it was time to rethink about the constitution. The tone and concept of the constitution which has been misinterpreted to a fascist one must be rethought, said Teltumbde.
He also shared his childhood experiences about caste. Nandini Nair took the session forward, raising questions about the nature of Dalit struggles in India. Anand Teltumbde opined that caste meant hierarchy. “Caste unlike any other criteria, intends nothing but to split,” he added. The session concluded with him expressing his concerns regarding the atrocities and violence that the Dalits face in our country.