The third day of Kerala Literature festival witnessed a mind-blowing Book Talk on India’s Most Fearless. The co-author of the book, Shiv Aroor, Former DGP Hormis Tharakan and renowned journalist John Britas spoke during the session. The session was moderated by Rajeswari Kalyanam. The book which gained great attention among readers, talks about the lives of Indian soldiers.
Rajeswari Kalyanam commenced the session stating that the book is about heroes we see as snapshots in newspapers. "In India, people either consider the military force as a super-human force or completely ignore them. We often fail to treat them properly," opined Shiv Aroor. Former DGP, Hormis Tharakan complimented, being a writer, Shiv Aroor has fulfilled his responsibilities by bringing out these stories. John Brittas stated that the students of JNU and JMI are also the ‘Fearless Indians’ today. "The intension why I wrote this book," he said, "is not to show the great thing they did but to make people aware that they are ordinary folks who do great things.”
The session concluded with a vibrant interactive session with the audience.