The session titled Information Collection in Writing was held on the third day of Kerala Literature Festival. Moderated by V K Jobish, multifaceted personalities like KP Ramanunni, VJ James, S Hareesh and Sangeetha Sreenivasan shared their views on the topic.
When asked about it, VJ James said that "Only if we convert our experience into a literary work, it becomes delightful. The rest of the writings are just information." Renowned writer, Sangeeta Sreenivasan shared her experiences during the writing of her book Acid.
Experiences or observations are sources of information, converting them to a literary work is the best way to interpret them, opined the panellists. S Hareesh, the author of the novel 'Meesha,' said, “Information is a part of research for the literary work.” “Literature is not dumping the information you possess,” quoted KP Ramanunni.
The session concluded by discussing ways to interpret the collected information creatively and through new ways of narration.