The session Kathayile Adholokangal began by giving a definition to the world 'Adholokam' on the final day of Kerala Literature Festival 2020. “Being a Malayalam word it has got finer meanings which can't be grasped with its English or Tamil translations,” said Dr. Sheeba Divakaran while opening the session. “It might mean the deeper side of our mind. The uncivilised culture that comes in stories can also be attributed to the underworld. The word underworld means that there is an outer world. The other meaning which can be attributed to 'Adholokam' is the word 'underworld' - the world of criminals, anti-socials etc,” she added.
P S Rafeeq took over the discussion by sharing his thoughts, “Those who are thinking about living a better democratic life are in underworld now,” he added, “In story we may justify a prostitute. But in real life it's not the thing. In story we will hate war. But in real world most of us want India to strike Pakistan,” he commentedAccording to Shahina, 'Adholokam' means the world within us which we hide inside. “We all live with different faces. We project a different self to the world than the real self. The real Shahina is a sensitive, rebellious and an introvert at the same time. This 'Adolokam' in her transforms into her writing,” Shahina added. Moderator directed the conversation to KN Prashanth by asking about his story Manju to which he responded that, the capital for his stories were found in the lives and stories of the paddy fields around his home. The story's problem is that it will even justify those who have betrayed their own people. His native place being the fodder for this stories ad thoughts, 'Adholokam' according to him is th e real world around him.“Sudip T George's stories have importance for all living beings not just humans. His stories ask us to think about humanism,” Sheeba commented. “According to him 'Adolakam' is the thing which hides with in the story.
The discussions gave interesting insights on the word Adholokam.