The peaceful beach shores along KLF fest witnessed a fireside chat between Anand and Urvashi Batalia moderated by A.M.Shinas.
Their topic of discussion was partition and the after effects of it.
Anand said “The wound has not yet healed even after so many years of partition. The worst example of this is Kashmir.
Anand further quoted two examples about the harsh examples of the partition where he feels woman suffered more than anyone else.
No matter what the wrath ultimately goes to the woman. Woman had a very tough life. They even killed their husbands so that they could die in that pyre as part of sati system that prevailed back then.
When a girl child was born they either killed her or married her off at a very young age. He says woman remain to the inner Diaspora. Anand even spoke about the situation in Kashmir and says it is a burning issue.
Urvashi strongly involved into the session by talking about the antagonism that fueled in between Hindus and Muslims and how it exits even after the partition.
“Because the partition issue was so huge all the recent small issues are waved off with reference to the later.”
“The wound is indeed very deep especially to Punjabis and Bengalis and many other parts of North India.”
Nobody asked what happened to the Dalits during partition. We never knew what happened to them.
The concluded with examples from the past regarding partition and its aftereffects and later had a small interactive session with the audience too.