Multi-faceted artist Thamizhachi Thangapandian, who hails from Tamil Nadu, was one of the esteemed speakers at the Kerala Literature Festival this year. With Tamil being the literature in focus, Thamizhachi threw new light on the intricacies of the language. Introduced on stage by poet and translator Harshad M T, Thamizhachi drew audience to her stage with her steady yet passionate demeanour. "Though politics is my calling, poetry is my passion," she said. Being proud of her indigenous culture and roots is why she boldly declared how much she loves being a vernacular poet. During her session, she touched upon many topics including the plight of Tamil women, the state of our constitutional values and even recited ‘Mothiram Enna Bodhivriksham’ when requested by renowned Malayalam novelist, K R Meera. Truly, she captured the beauty of the centuries-old Tamil language in her recital.