T Padmanabhan one of the greatest short fiction writers in the Malayalam language and is credited with bringing modern Malayalam literature nearer to the subjective intensity of the lyric, to take part in the session titled ‘MY POLITICS’. The session has M A Baby in conversation with T Padmanabhan which will be moderated by A K Abdul Hakkim.
M ABaby is an Indian politician and one of the prominent leaders of the Communist Party. He occupies an honourable and unique space in the cultural sphere of Kerala as an ardent promoter of art, music and sports He is currently the MLA from Kundara constituency in Kerala. Prior to this, he held the positions of Rajya Sabha Member and Education and culture Minister for Kerala.
The second edition of Kerala Literature Festival is probably the largest in the nation as it features 300 + writers, Activists, Artists around the globe. The four day literary extravaganza will start by 2nd February in Kozhikode.