New windows in women empowerment were opened during the discussion between Preeti Shenoy and Sangeetha Nair titled, ‘My Writing, My Thoughts’. Women empowerment, sexuality, marriage, living together, literature were some of the topics discussed. The discussion continued by giving new phases to friendship between the two genders. The challenges women faces in empowering themselves should be discussed more often and should be solved, Shenoy urged.
Within a short time with few words and pleasant smile Shenoy won many hearts. The role f social media and the need to use it creatively were depicted in the discussion. “Women are not meant to stand behind they are meant to build a new world. By reading and writing we can enrich our knowledge and to become the owner of a good personality we want to be ourselves” she concluded the session”, She added
The session ended with the audience interaction. Deedi damodaran gifted her in the event.