The Fireside chat held at Aksharam on the first evening of KLF fascinated the crowd. The political and economic conditions of India got widely discussed. The intolerance and indifference the minorities of the country faces became the key area of the chat. The death of Rohit Vemula and the growing atrocities in universities, The Muslim- Jat riots in UP, the Gujarat massacre, the demonetization issue etc marked their importance in the discussion by writer, social activist and the former IAS officer Harsh Mander and K Ramachandran.
“The growing indifference and hatred among people worldwide will lead to a worst condition .It is us to decide whether our children have to live in a country with hatred and indifference or love and acceptance “said Harsh.
The fireside chat was held at the venue Aksharam between Harsh Mander and K Ramachandran.