An interesting session of reminiscing renowned writer of 20th century in the presence of their children and grand children took place at Kerala Literary 2018. The session was moderated by Dr.Umar Tharamel and consisted of Dr. Raj Nair, Anees Basheer, Shahina, Sumithra Jayaprakash, Suddhakaran, Vineetha Nedungadi, N P Hafiz Mohammed and P k Jayalakshmi.
The talk was concluded by Shahina Basheer and Anees Basheer children of Vaikom Muhammad Basheer. Shahina took pride in herself for being a character in her father’s novel ‘Manthrikapoocha’ a rare opportunity for the children of great authors while Anees Basheer spoke about being the youngest which helped him to have good rapport with all the other writers.
Watch their interesting session here: