The second edition of Kerala Literature festival comes packed with FILM FESTIVAL which screens rare and unique films and documentaries from 2nd February to 5th February at the specially designed venue, ‘VELLITHIRA”.
The film festival is curated by popular film critic, documentary film maker, Prof.C. S. Venkiteswaran. The show starts by 6pm on February 2nd with ‘Olavum Theeravum’ written by M T Vasudevan Nair and directed by P N Menon.
Every day from 10am the show starts, ranging from the documentary ,’In return just a book’ to Kaliyachan to the documentary on S. K. Pottekkatt to Ozhivudivasathe kali, Kanyaka Talkies, Kathayil ninnum Cinemayileku, Garaas(Hindi), to Mother which is based on Maxim Gorky’s novel and Vellutha Rathrikal directed by Razi, the film festival screens the best and relevant films. A thought provoking and energetically engaging experience is guaranteed at the film festival.